Amy & Dean’s Wedding – Frasers Restaurant
I’ve know Amy & Dean for a couple of years now. When I was invited I was pretty pumped and a little nervous. I knew most of the guest list from school days and social groups. That can add a little extra pressure to perform when but to be honest, I had nothing to worry about. The wedding was epic. I had such a rad time with Amy & Dean. It was just a nice bonus in the end seeing to many familiar faces. Amy looked amazing in her Samantha Wynne dress while the girls from the Pretty Parlour caused a bit of a social media frenzy over Amy’s Hair & Make up. Luke Firth was silky smooth as always as the celebrant. It was the first time I had teamed up with Todd from The Wedding Tape. The guys a weapon. He was everywhere but now where at the same time. Big fan of his work and I’m sure Amy & Dean thought the same.
Amy’s Dress – Samantha Wynne
H&MU – The Pretty Parlour
Celebrant – Luke Firth
Videography – Todd – The Wedding Tape
Reception – Frasers Restaurant